Nov 11, 2024
We all have a superstar in the office. They're the ones who get all their work done before the deadline, befriend everyone in the office, manage an entire team, and still make it to the gym every d...
Continue ReadingOct 28, 2024
How would you describe your company in 30 seconds? This common sales technique is known as an elevator pitch, and the goal is to captivate the attention of your potential clients and explain how ...
Continue ReadingOct 21, 2024
Substantial research shows why color matters in branding and how it plays an important role in how we experience marketing. These 16 facts give you a glimpse into how you can use color to your adva...
Continue ReadingOct 6, 2024
As more and more companies turn towards e-commerce, shopping online has never been easier or more enjoyable. Ordering branded products is no exception! Company stores give you a convenient and comp...
Continue ReadingAug 2, 2024
It can be hard to communicate with a design team on a project when the designers speak their very own language. That's why we have a rundown of words you may come across frequently that can save y...
Continue ReadingJun 5, 2024
You encounter promo products every single day. You hold them, wear them, and maybe even smell them. But, did you know every one of these products goes through an extensive design process, whether t...
Continue ReadingFeb 11, 2024
In marketing terminology, perceived value is what consumers think a product is worth to them. Outside factors like personal memories or associations, celebrity endorsements, resemblance to a higher...
Continue ReadingJan 27, 2024
When business owners are asked about the customers they serve, many times, their response is: “Well, we serve everyone…” If a company served everyone, it would be impossible to ...
Continue ReadingDec 21, 2023
Business owners have a lot to lose in the event of an unfortunate data breach. From intellectual property to customer lists to bank account numbers, hackers have their eyes set on the most invaluab...
Continue ReadingOct 23, 2023
With more and more people preferring to conduct business exclusively online, a user-friendly website isn't just desirable, it's required if you want to be successful. These seven tips will help you...
Continue ReadingJul 12, 2023
You put together the business plan, signed the lease, designed an informative website and…*crickets*. It can be pretty discouraging when you put in the effort, but you're not attracting yo...
Continue ReadingJul 4, 2023
No matter what they're purchasing, no one wants their products to be unsafe – it's a no-brainer! In the United States, there are several different product safety regulations that promotional ...
Continue ReadingJun 20, 2023
If you work from 9 to 5, chances are you've sat in a meeting before. Whether it be a brainstorm session or roundtable discussion, it doesn't matter the industry you are in, meetings are inevitable....
Continue ReadingMay 21, 2023
Sometimes life gets hard. You don't have to work a night shift from Monday to Sunday to agree with that statement. Even the most effortless of jobs, those we believe to have truly mastered, can ge...
Continue ReadingMay 14, 2023
A powerful brand is more than just a great logo and a mission statement (although those certainly lay the groundwork for any brand.) We live in a time where competition rises up on every corner, an...
Continue ReadingFeb 9, 2023
In a world of ever-changing advertisement trends, there is one marketing solution that never grows old – promotional products. Studies show promotional products were ranked as the highest adv...
Continue ReadingJan 19, 2023
Everybody loves getting new business – it's exciting! Because new customers are so crucial to growing a business, many companies pour the majority of their marketing time and energy into gene...
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